July 21, 2021 - Episode 004

Associate Professor Simon Michaux hosted by Paul Lange discussing energy resources and bursting some comfy bubbles


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Associate Professor Simon Michaux hosted by Paul Lange discussing energy resources and bursting some comfy bubbles

Here also is the public report referred to by Simon in the video.

Contact me if the link no longer works. I have a copy saved.

Are you sitting nice and comfy? That might be about to change! Get ready to understand the convenient omission within the inconvenient truth we've been sold.

Today I'm joined on the MainUnStream mic by Simon Michaux, Associate Professor working for the Geological Survey of Finland, in the KTR Circular Economy Solutions unit. His current roles at GTK is to develop geometallurgy capability in battery minerals, develop the GTK-Mintec pilot plant with digitization and machine learning upgrades, and develop the Circular Economy.

On this episode of MainUNstream Simon shares truly insightful data on the state of global energy resources. When you understand the data you'll get how people are living in a myth about the worlds energy resources and reserves. You'll get that the concept of clean energy taking over from fossil fuel any time soon, and electric cars being the saviour of the planet is a comfy bubble in which the population has been placed in and that the resources reality doesn't support it.

Do not misunderstand either Simon or I, we both love the idea of a cleaner energy and vehicles that have much lower emissions (electric vehicles will never be zero emissions, no vehicle will), AND achieving it will require technology that does not exist today. It is clear from the data though that the current models being fed to the public are not even a remote possibility of a solution.

I love the depth of Simon's knowledge on a variety of topics. Knowledge that comes from real experience. Also his ability to find and analyse data, based on his experience is exceptional. As he says, the data i out there if you want to find it.

Simons experience and knowledge extends well beyond energy and we hope to have him back behind the mic very soon.

MainUnStream is always free of hype and hidden agendas so it can and often does go in any direction. One thing is for certain, they are always informative, insightful and entertaining.

Here is some more about Simon.

His education is a Bachelor of Applied Science in physics and geology, his PhD was in Mining Engineering, done at the JKMRC, graduating in 2006. Thesis title: Analysis of Fines Generated in Blasting. Most of his work experience is from the Australian mining industry. Simon studied and worked for the JKMRC (Sustainable Minerals Institute) for 18 years, where he was involved in several high profile industry funded research programs.

Simon worked in the private sector in an EPCM company called Ausenco in their Technical Solutions division, servicing mining corporate clients, where geometallurgy was used in support for a Pre-Feasibility Study.

Simon worked in Belgium for 2 years as a Senior Research Officer in the GeMMe Dept of Géoressources Minérales & Imagerie Géolgique at the University of Liege. Areas of interest was recycling of industrial waste, sorting, hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy. His role was also to develop department capability in electrodynamic fragmentation using a Selfrag EDF instrument. Simon was required to develop alliances and partnerships between the GeMMe department and stakeholder groups across Europe (other universities, independent R&D groups, private sector corporations, EU government entities). A series of research proposals were written and submitted to H2020 and EIT KIC.

His areas of technical interest are rock & material characterization, comminution, blasting, electrical dynamic fragmentation, process engineering separation, material science, and multi-phase data analysis of geometallurgical data sets and modelling the mining process as a dynamic system.

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