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There are two global ConVid clinical trials. One public, one secret.
There are two clinical trials going on. There's the one that you would expect to some degree given the criminal activity of big pharma and governments around the world. Namely that you get jabbed and they measure adverse effects and deaths. But of course those…
The parallel society and education. An exceptional interview with Dr. Brendan Moloney, CEO of the Darlo Group
Dr Brendan Moloney, CEO of the Darlo Group is a thought leader in the parallel society space. With the challenges facing humanity with a small elite group controlling everything and seeking to tighten their grip even further, there has never been a more important time…
Australian politicians either have gone insane, or are drunk on power, or worse
The cost of a sinister and dark period of human submission and political oppression, justified in the name of select science. All scientific data that corrects and proves false the claims of the government is suppressed, censored and memory holed.
Your badge won't protect you if you are complicit and/or corrupt
Australia will not tolerate a corrupt and criminal police force at any level. Police committing crimes and acting unconstitutionally because they were “just following orders” does not cut it. This was the same excuse used by the Nazi’s at the Nuremberg Trials and it didn’t…
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