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The Great Reset & Sovereign Debt Forgiveness
You've heard of The Great Reset from the World Economic Forum. If not, go and look it up. One of tenets of the The Great Reset is the forgiveness of personal debt and as a trade off, the renunciation of personal assets. If you're not…
Paul Lange with Tim Dwyer on Trust, Global Government & the Financial System
A lot of people talk about trust but who do you and who can you really trust? Is blind trust in organisations and institutions warranted any more? Was it ever? Or is it just a form of Stockholm Syndrome?
Financing Monarchs and Governments is the seed of all influence
Left & right of the political spectrum is all the same lie
Is the Australian Federal Government planning for a civil uprising?
FOREIGN FORCES (armies, police, storm troopers) can be brought onto Australian soil at the direction of the ‘minister’ with complete IMMUNITY from CRIMINAL or CIVIL LIABILITY in certain cases while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster preparedness, recovery and response.
Australian Labor Party will sacrifice Daniel Andrews for their national play at the next election
Have you wondered why federal Labor has not been very vocal in support of Dan Andrews? Victoria is the testing ground. They are seeing how far they can take it in Victoria as a test to see how far they'll be able to push the…
How could this happen?
A lot of people are asking a lot of questions about what's going on around the world. But a lot of people aren't, and even more don't even know what's going on besides some virus thing that they believe is killing the economy and stopping…
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