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Stop holding the line. Stop reclaiming the line. Start PUSHING the line deep into their territory.
It’s time to stop holding the line. Now it’s time to push the line. We've held the line along enough. It's now time to take this fight to them where they live, where they work, where they breathe. It is time for the people, the…
The Hallmark of a Democracy vs Totalitarian Tyranny in Summary.
The hallmark of a democracy is simply that we, the people, have the right to know everything about the people who we elected and what they do in office. The hallmark of a totalitarian tyranny is one where the elected officials demand to know everything…
This is not freedom, not yet. But we will take it back, and soon!
It's excruciatingly painful and still funny to see what some people think that freedom is. It's a chance to win a million dollars if you'll just participate in a game of Russian Roulette - Platinum Genocide Edition, others think it's about being 'allowed' to go…
Big Pharma sings Meat Loaf for adverse effects and vaccine death reporting
We all know that Big Pharma is not simply getting away with murder, they are getting away with genocide and they are laughing all the way to the central bank with it. The cover up is not simply in the media and big tech, it's…
An inspiring discussion with Victorian Freedom Fighter Kylie Bartlett
In life there will always be people in the stands, some way up in the farthest sections of the largest and tallest bleachers - the cheap seats. They are all watching the people who choose to put themselves on the pitch. The ones who know…
The hypocrisy and corruption is so in your face it’s too close for the masses to see it, let alone question it.
The NSW Fire Brigade, NSW Police and at the time of recording this the GP’s in NSW are not being given a deadline by which to submit to the global clinical trial of the mRNA technology and other unnecessary vaccines.
All of the bikie gangs in Australia should put their differences aside for now
Regime change is coming in Australia. It is coming to all freedom loving nations around the world. Get on the right side of history now. Become champions of the people, champions of freedom and help those less organised, less strong, less capable than you to…
The trade unions have failed the workers of Australia
Today, in the face of real oppression, the trade unions have caved. They have abandoned their members and are sacrificing them at the altar of the socialist elite while they continue to line their pockets, facilitated by the political class puppets that stand in line…
Afghanistan was a strategic withdrawal, just not how you think
When you realise that very little in politics is accidental, and that mostly it is all by design with strategy being decided at the highest levels and the actions seen by the population are just fulfilment, you look at the world in a more sober…
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